10 Terrifying Comic Supervillains That Gave You Nightmares

5. Superman (From Red Son)

Doctor Doom Batman New 52
DC Comics

There is one particular trait shared among all the villainous versions of Superman: they are downright petrifying.

The Superman from Red Son is no exception to this, as over the course of the comic he evolves to become an iron-fisted dictator who aggressively controls the human race.

In this case, it's the things that make Superman effective as a hero that makes up a great portion of what also makes him truly unnerving as a villain, as his extensive list of powers become incredibly threatening weapons of mass murder when turned against innocent civilians.

The most interesting (or unnerving) part of the Red Man of Steel, however, is that he doesn't think he's a villain. He's still trying to do what he thinks is right - it's just that what he happens to think is right - in this case - is basically enslaving the human race.

Undoubtedly the most frightening thing about the villainous version of the Man of Steel is that it reminds us that the only reason Superman hasn't killed everyone on the planet, is that he doesn't really fancy it. That villainous turn is quite literally a page away.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.