10 Thankfully Obscure Spider-Man Villains

8. The Looter

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #36 (1966) The Looter is yet another villain who fails on name alone. Does the Looter instigate riots in order to steal televisions? Does he go to disaster areas and remove gold crosses from churches? This concept is suspect. The man himself, Norton G. Fester, is an amateur scientist €“ an amateur xenobiologist from the looks of it €“ who finds a meteorite and decides to crack it open. His goal is to find alien life inside. Did I mention he's an amateur? What he does find is a gas that endows him with enough strength to lift objects as titanic as a desk. This inspires him dress up like a clown from a Clive Barker film and create gadgets such as a 'dazzle gun' to blind his opponents and an escape balloon. Apparently, 'amateur' scientists can invent arbitrary weapons on the fly. Even Spidey realizes how dumb this villain is and basically puts off kicking his ass until the issue's anti-climax where he beats him into unconsciousness while not even paying attention. But that didn't keep Fester down; he came back again under the new alias 'Meteor Man', since his name was clearly the only silly aspect of the character.
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