10 Thankfully Obscure Spider-Man Villains

7. The Enforcers

First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #10 (1964) Spider-Man's level of power waxes and wanes based on the needs of authors. Sometimes he can defeat an envoy of God, sometimes he struggles with a guy who's skull is really hard. Probably one of the lowest moments for the character is when Stan Lee decided that a challenge for the hero would be freaking carnies. Back when Spidey fought more mafioso, a masked organized crime upstart called 'the Big Man' decided to recruit a trio of mooks that even Dick Tracy would scoff at. Their roster included 5'3 martial artist Fancy Dan, lasso-using southerner Montana, and the brutish Ox. Mind you, these are all normal human beings without advanced equipment, making them the little more than a villainous version of the Village People. Despite their shortcomings, they've become the the Turks of the Spider-Man universe, being rented out to real villains who need a quirky team of mooks. They even got an upgrade in the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series as a trio of badass assassins for hire by the Kingpin and Norman Osborn. No offense Marvel, but when I need a contract killer, a guy with a rope probably isn't in my black book.
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