10 Thankfully Obscure Spider-Man Villains

5. Video-Man

First Appearance: Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends: Season 1, Episode 7 "Video-Man" (1981) Remember when adults used to talk about video games and clearly knew nothing about them? I'm sure glad that doesn't happen anymore *cough* Grand Theft Auto *cough*. In the 80's, writers thought that anything that looked like a video game- i.e. pixelated and electronic-would get children excited. This led the writers of Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends to create the raster-imaged rascal Video-Man, an artificial creature created by Electro. In order to commit several robberies, Electro created several video games based around the character of Video-Man. The games were named after Video-Man and had him as the primary-and only-antagonist. The only objective was to fight Video-Man once. Just like in real video games! Also, naming a video game character Video-Man is like naming a book character "Literary-Woman". Electro could command Video-Man to escape the game and transport valuables and people to his lair, which he does to our heroes. Video-Man's proportions don't even change when he escapes, leaving him as a two dimensional pixel-person. What's even stranger about this is that it's implied that Electro sold the Video-Man games in his own costume. Why would you buy anything from the guy in a lightning bolt costume? Were people just that high in the 80's?
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