10 Thankfully Obscure Spider-Man Villains

6. Swarm

First Appearance: Champions #14 (1977) A large part of the appeal of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the title. That title alone covers four demographics, including the coveted mutant populace. So imagine how resonant a Nazi Zombie Bee Man would be? Lord knows those Nazis have no other figures to gather behind. One could imagine this was the impetus for the Swarm aka Fritz Von Meyer, a Nazi scientist who fled Germany for South America post-war and studied killer bees. My God. Finding a group of especially badass bees, he used a device to mentally control them, but they ended up consuming his body. Somewhere an entomologist is crying. Luckily for Fritz, they also consumed his consciousness which allowed him to survive as a living hive of bees supported by a skeleton. I feel like his creator's mind was consumed by bees too. Fritz first challenged the obscure super-team The Champions with his new powers, but then turned his attention to Spidey when he realized-in his own words €“ "bees and spiders are natural enemies". That entomologist just shot himself.
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