10 Things About Superman That Make No Sense
1. Superman Red And Blue
Even though this story has the makings of a Silver age tale, this concept was actually included in all three ages of comic book history. The story concept here essentially sees Superman split into two different versions of himself - red and blue (though the effects of this separation differed between every scenario that has ever featured this concept).
In the first version, Superman is split into a good and a bad version of himself. In the second, Superman basically gets a clone of himself that just has a different costume. Then finally, in the third version, Superman’s personality becomes divided between the two colors.
Overall, this is by far one of the most confusing elements of Superman that really doesn’t add much to his arch- other than the idea of there being two of him. Other versions of Superman, like the character Ultraman, are honestly a much better concept than just having a Superman drawn in two different colors.