10 Things DC Comics Want You To Forget About Batman

2. He's The World's Greatest Detective

Batman made his first appearance in Detective Comics, and from that point onward took the title of "World's Greatest Detective", using his immense knowledge as much as his muscles and gadgets in order to clean up the crime-ridden streets of Gotham City. Except it didn't take long for superhero comics to become significantly more popular than the crime comics that preceded them, and Bats was more likely to be found teaming up with Superman to punch aliens than to start hunting down leads and saying "elementary, my dear Robin." The New 52 reboot has tried to return Batman to his roots of actually thinking his way through a mystery, rather than just tangling with an endless succession of colourful nutters, but for the most part the Dark Knight still spends more time in mandatory tustles and less time putting that superhuman intellect of his to good use. Not that he necessarily needs to team up with an immortal Sherlock Holmes to stop one of Moriarty's descendents from killing the Queen (which is totally a thing that happened), but still.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/