10 Things DC Wants You To Forget About Aquaman

2. He Kind Of Sucks

€œThe cool thing is, with Aquaman, his trident could cut the flesh of Superman, if they come in contact. He's super strong. Because of course he can exist at these super deep depths. So when he comes up here he's crazy strong. Not to say he's in my movie, or anything like that. He has the potential to be badass. That's all I'm saying.€ That's Zack Snyder calling into a Detroit radio station that was bad-mouthing Arthur Curry. Does it sound like he's protesting too much? Or like he's a kid in the schoolyard trying to defend his choice of favourite superhero, which caused all the other kids to make fun of his laughable choice? That's because both of those are sort of true. Aquaman is famously a terrible character. Momoa's casting is going to help a lot with the public rehabilitation of Aquaman, but there are decades of €œhe talks to fish haha€ jokes, Entourage references, and generally just a boring skill set and unremarkable character €“ he's not much more than his powers, really €“ mean he's nobody's favourite. Except Zack Snyder's, apparently.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/