10 Things You Didn't Know About Doctor Strange

7. His Man-Servant & Martial Arts Master Are The Same Person

In addition to Clea, another mainstay supporting character of Doctor Strange throughout the years has been Wong. Wong is the faithful man-servant to the powerful sorcerer. Having been first mentioned in Strange Tales #110 in July of 1963, he didn't make an appearance until Strange Tales #147 in August of 1966. His father Hamir was, in turn, the man-servant to Doctor Strange's own mentor, the Ancient One. However, as well as being faithful to Strange in terms of his service, the roles reverse when it comes to martial arts. Wong is a skilled martial artist and has trained Strange to be a formidable hand-to-hand combatant as well as a powerful magic user. Like the Mandarin, his origins and role may be considered borderline racist, so Wong may either not appear in the Doctor Strange movie or be changed completely.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.