10 Things You Didn't Know About The Green Lantern Corps

6. Their Constructs Can Be Truly Magnificent

Most people, when they imagine Green Lantern constructs, think of the classic boxing glove or basic items and weapons like swords, shields, baseball bats and, at their most complex, perhaps working guns or vehicles - but they can be so much more spectacular than that. Some examples of varying complexity include when Hal Jordan emulated the Orange Lantern Larfleeze by creating his own construct army ("the Hal Corps") with his ring, when he created a giant Godzilla like monster and when he created a life-sized replica of the destroyed Coast City. Kyle Rayner made a huge, highly-detailed pirate ship for him and his fellow heroes to cruise through space, a fully functional electric chair that he used on Major Force and created a sun-sized safe (complete with combination lock) to hold the supervillain Solaris who is a gigantic artificial sun. Oh and Guy Gardner created a working camcorder and the words "Bye Bye Bats" as he said farewell to Batman with his butt cheeks squished up against a window. Regarding lesser-known Green Lanterns, Soranik Natu has created complex medical equipment to conduct surgery and even the fly-sized Green Lantern, Bzzd, has created huge complex constructs like roller coasters and giant warheads. That's barely scratching the surface.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.