10 Things You Didn't Know About The Green Lantern Corps

5. They Can Also Be Edible

Granted, this particular instance actually comes from an evil version of the Green Lanterns but, given that the premise is exactly the same, it undoubtedly applies to the main Green Lantern Corps as well. In all honesty, all of the aforementioned "Power Ring" characters that were referred to in a previous entry on this list have been pretty terrible, but they taught readers something new about those green energy constructs - they can be edible! The specific character who showed that this was possible was Power Ring III - an evil counterpart to John Stewart from the Anti-Matter Universe and member of the Crime Syndicate of Amerika (with a "k") - when he and his fellow villains sat back and watched the Justice League take on the Void Hound, a mechanical creature easily capable of destroying planets. He made some popcorn and stated that it was tasteless but good for him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.