10 Things You Didn't Know About Hulk

2. He Had Disturbing & Anatomically Impossible Sex

It's almost too horrible to imagine, but the Hulk apparently has a sex life. More disturbingly, he doesn't share said sex life with fellow freakishly large beings - in fact, he had a very strange liaison with Dormammu's rather petite sister Umar. Bearing in mind Hulk's size, you have to assume his... Hulkhood... is proportionately large. Therefore, the fact that Umar looks to be as slim as a real world supermodel, you have to wonder how the hell this could have happened. Even weirder, the Hulk ended the encounter satisfied and worn out on the floor, while Umar was completely unimpressed! What on Earth would it take to impress her?! Excuse the vulgarity, Umar, but "wizard's sleeve" would be a huge understatement here.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.