10 Things You Didn't Know About Thanos

3. He Was Arrested By Ordinary Cops

In the same issue that Thanos was flying around in a helicopter (Spidey Super Stories #39 - "Who will get the Cosmic Cube?"), this outrageous moment also occurred. When Thanos tried to steal the Cosmic Cube, Hellcat and Spider-Man got to work to prevent him from doing so. Hellcat kicked the powerful item out of the Mad Titan's hand and it fell into an ally where it was found by a small child (who used its almighty power to conjure up an ice cream for himself - kneel before him!). Thanos tried to retrieve the cosmic ice cream maker, but was stopped by the aforementioned Spider-man and Hellcat. The police were called, they arrived on the scene and Thanos was arrested and sent to jail.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.