10 Things You Didn't Know About Thor

5. His Power Was Once Shared With A Frog

After falling victim to yet another one of his adopted brother Loki's magical master-plans, Thor spent several issues of his comic book as a frog in a 1986 story by Walt Simonsen. Lasting for four issues, to be exact, the short arc ended up with frog Thor in Central Park, New York leading a clan of frogs into battle against a horde of rats (yeah, really). Ultimately, Thor returned to Asgard to reclaim his identity as a humanoid being, but he left a shard of Mjolnir behind for one of his amphibian allies - a frog who went by the name Puddlegulp. Puddlegulp would go on to become a warrior who goes by the name "Throg". Throg now wields a frog-sized version of Mjolnir as part of Marvel's €œPet Avengers€ team (alongside the likes of Lockjaw, Lockheed, Redwing and Hairball) and has the proportionate powers of the God of Thunder.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.