10 Things You Didn't Know About Ultron

2. There Have Been Countless Versions Of The Character

Most characters have appeared in different forms and incarnations at some point in comic books - and different versions exist in different timelines and continuities - but Ultron is somewhat unique in the sense that he has appeared in loads of different forms in the 616 universe alone. Since his first appearance as Ultron-1, when he was created by Hank Pym, he has been upgraded or recreated many times, with each version's number changing accordingly (Ultron-2, Ultron-3, Ultron-4, Ultron-5, Ultron-6 and so forth). It would take another article to go in to every version - especially in any kind of detail - but Ultron has been recreated by the likes of Doctor Doom, the Beyonder, himself and his own creation Jocasta - the latter whom used an Iron Man armour as the vessel for his rebirth. All things considered, there have been around twenty versions of the character - most of which look fairly similar - but there was one so different that it deserves its own entry in this list...

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.