10 Things Every DC Comics Fan Forgets About Sinestro
9. Guy Gardner Used Sinestro’s Ring For A Time

At the end of the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Sinestro was executed by the Guardians and his spirit was held within the Central Power Battery. John Stewart charged his ring directly from the Battery and a malfunction allowed Sinestro to free himself and invade Stewart’s mind briefly. After being ejected, Sinestro’s spirit wandered Oa aimlessly for a time.
Former Green Lantern, Guy Gardner was on Oa to steal Sinestro’s ring from the Crypt of the Green Lantern Corps. Sinestro rose up to battle Gardner but Guy won and got away with the ring. The Guardians eventually recaptured Sinestro’s spirit and returned it to the Battery.
Guy had a bit of trouble with the yellow ring. He did not read or speak Qwardian, so he didn’t understand what the ring was saying to him. They developed an instinctual understanding of each other. Also, the ring had no battery to charge it but instead got its charge from battling a Green Lantern ring. This was not information Gardner had at first. A Parallax possessed Hal Jordan came and took Gardner’s ring to add to his collection.