10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Comic Books

4. That DC is Dark, And Marvel Is Light

JLA Avengers
DC/Marvel Comics

Since the DCEU came along with the release of 2013's Man of Steel, a consensus has slowly but surely been building. According to quite a lot of moviegoers, Marvel - today represented by the monolithic Marvel Cinematic Universe - specialises in the lighter aspects of superhero stories, while DC - until recently dominated by Zack Snyder's dark and gaudy features - is just grim.

Fans of both companies know better. The actual reality is that both the Marvel and DC universes publish about the same in terms of lighter and darker content, with both boasting a diverse selection of books.

It's never been the case that one publisher is darker than the other, and while there are certainly distinguishing features between each world, such as Marvel's tendency to reflect 'the world outside your window', or DC's slightly more epic gods and monsters-esque set-up, tonally, they're just as varied.

So, who's to blame for this misconception? Well there's a lot that must be said about Warner Bros., and how they've managed to present only one version of the DC Universe outside of the comics medium since the start of the decade. Everything is genuinely grim, and though it might frustrate Marvel fans wanting to see what DC's all about, it's doubly frustrating for those familiar with the publisher's comics.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.