10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Deadpool

5. He Only Has A Healing Factor

Wolverine Vs Deadpool

Seeing as his healing factor is a driving force in the plot of the first movie, it’s easily his best known power. Even before the film brought him to an even bigger audience though, his healing factor usually got the most focus in the comics, leading to this misconception amongst some corners of the fanbase.

As well as healing, Deadpool has a whole range of powers. His strength is inconsistent in the comics, but he’s stronger than the average man at least, and a top class marksman too. He has super human agility as well, enough to rival Spider-Man’s, and has a few technologically aided powers to boot.

He’s used teleportation devices previously, but these were written out as he became a leading man. It’s convenient for the villain to be able to teleport himself away, but it’s much less interesting if the hero can keep zapping himself out of trouble.

One could make the argument too that his fourth wall breaking skills are a super power, and a rather unique one at that. It’s ironic that Deadpool is viewed as the clown of the Marvel Universe when he’s the only one who sees the truth: they’re all just comic book characters.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)