10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Thanos

4. He Doesn’t Care About His Children

Thanos Marvel
Marvel Comics

There is no question that The Mad Titan's parenting skills are questionable at best. Modifying one's kids to be able to bring about violence on his enemies more efficiently isn't going win him any father of the year contests. It didn't help matters that Thanos himself had a poor upbringing, and it's unfortunate to admit that he did not learn much from it.

From the films, it seems Gamora and Nebula have been put through the wringer when it comes to parental abuse, and in the comics, this is close to the same. But just because he is incredibly cruel to his adopted children, does not mean that he does not 'care' for them in his own way.

This notion of there being a heart underneath that cold purple exterior came to fruition in a bizarre Marvel storyline. The Mad Titan decided to bring some yuletide cheer into his life and celebrate Christmas with Gamora.

Most savvy fans would think he had something sinister up his sleeves that would lead to a holiday massacre. They'd be wrong because all that went down was joy and presents.

However, just because the Mad Titan has shown affection to his children in the past does not negate his abusive qualities. He terrorised his children for years, and that makes him an abuser plain and simple.


D.J. Rivera is an award-winning writer, director, and producer with several of his titles available on Amazon Prime Video. When he’s not making movies, this go-getter lends his talents to several popular outlets writing about everything that matters in the entertainment industry and producing solid content for his distinguished client base.