10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Hulk
1. He's Always Green

Hearing that the Hulk wasn't initially green is a concept that can be really jarring at first. After all, with so many years of the most controversial Avenger being a bright, unavoidable green, it seems unfathomable that when the character was initially created, he was actually intended to be grey.
And intended is very much the key word here, as while the Hulk was supposed to be grey, a printing error for the first issue meant that many copies had the giant coloured in a distinctly green hue, closer to the design we know today. Realising that this colour actually suited the character more - and likely not wanting to recall the misprinted comics and lose money - it was decided that the hero would instead be green, which remains the case to this day.
In a smart recovery, Marvel would also later incorporate the grey Hulk into the universe by having him be another identity locked away in Banner's psyche, which would allow any previous appearances of the jolly grey giant to still be canon in the universe.
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