10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Hulk
4. His Only Power Is Super-Strength

Almost every time you see the Hulk in a fight, you're sure to get a dose of good old fashioned violence. With the big ball of muscles and anger mainly just using his immense strength to fight his battles, it seemed for a long time like this was his only real power.
But as it turns out there is much more to the gamma-radiated behemoth than merely super-strength. Not only have several comics shown that the Hulk's split personalities provide him resistance to telepathic powers, but it's also been revealed that he can survive underwater and in space, which are two notably useful abilities that go almost entirely overlooked.
Finally, although the Hulk constantly emitting gamma radiation is often made out to be a weakness, it can also be considered a strength, as there are few characters in the Marvel universe couldn't be easily defeated by a healthy portion of radiation.