10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The Hulk
3. He Has A Bad Rogue's Gallery

For just about every major Marvel hero, there is at least one villain that you automatically associate with them; Thor has Loki, Iron Man has the Mandarin, and Captain America has Red Skull.
For our menacing green friend, however, this isn't as easy. While most folk knew General Ross as Banner's archnemesis, he's not really a villain anymore, and thus for many the list of interesting Hulk enemies has run decisively dry.
But just because many of the Hulk's enemies are less well known doesn't mean they're not interesting, or that the goliath's rogue's gallery is poor. Indeed, Immortal Hulk has gone some way to change these misconceptions, as it shows the suitably nightmarish and badass potential of villains like the Abomination, Tanaraq, and many other relatively unknown beasts and baddies.
While Banner and his hulking alter ego will likely never have Marvel's most famous rogue's gallery, this isn't because they're bad or boring villains - it's because they're relatively obscure when compared to figures like the Joker or Doctor Doom.