10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About The X-Men
1. Wolverine, Wolverine, Wolverine
The most overrated X-Man of all time, Wolverine is a magnet for incorrect assumptions, common misconceptions, and adulterated fanboy bullsh*t. It's not all their fault though as Marvel has so often offered us differing explanations for his powers, origin, and general history while simultaneously managing to allow the character to appear in seven different ongoing comics. So what is it exactly that so many always tend to get wrong about Marvel's most famous mutant? Well, just about everything.
To begin with Wolverine is far from immortal and there are multiple ways in which he can die. These concepts ring true even despite the fact that current writers have drastically overpowered the character beyond even that of a fictional mutant. Though Wolverine ages much slower than usual humans he will still eventually die of old age. Furthermore, it has been stated by the Xavier Protocols that the most effective way to kill Wolverine would be to remove his head from his body thereby separating the heart and brain. This may prove difficult due to the super strong adamantium bones he possesses so we've listed a few other ways in which Wolverine could bite the dust. Though Wolverine has been shown to survive electrical shocks this would be a surefire way to kill him.
If Storm were to use Wolverine's adamantium skeleton as a conductor for lightning she could effectively fry every cell within his body simultaneously while interfering with the bioelectrical properties of the brain thereby short-circuiting his entire nervous system and inhibiting his healing factor. Iceman could also kill Wolverine just as easily by completely freezing the 60% of his body that is made of water and in doing so completely shutting down his bodily functions. Speaking of water, it's been stated before that drowning is also an effective way of killing Wolverine as not only does his metal skeleton cause him to sink rather easily but oxygen deprivation would eventually lead to cell death and brain damage that would inhibit cellular regeneration. Cells need oxygen to reproduce meaning any form of asphyxiation could kill Wolverine.
Magneto has, at one point, almost killed Wolverine when he ripped the adamantium out of his body and would have succeeded if not for Professor Xavier stopping him and later boosting Wolverine's healing factor. Technically, Magneto still could kill Wolverine in many ways if he were to use the adamantium to successfully damage his brain, heart, or lungs.
Lastly, Wolverine could die by something as simple as malnutrition as cells need nourishment to grow and it's been stated specifically that Wolverine needs a great deal of protein to use his healing factor.
As far as Wolverine's origins go there are many facts that are usually misrepresented. For instance, his name is not Logan but James Howlett. Despite what the films lead you to believe Sabretooth is in no way related to Wolverine by familial means. Despite the romantic tension Wolverine and Jean were never actually together though the two did share a kiss on at least two occasions both of which when they thought they were going to die. While Wolverine had feelings for Jean she never completely reciprocated them though she did love him as a friend - and she did indeed find him physically attractive. It has been hinted that Jean's feelings for Wolverine ran a bit deeper - which could be evidenced by their kissing - but it was never fully disclosed and she always remained faithful to Cyclops. Lastly, Wolverine is only 5'3". Take that, Hugh Jackman!
If you want to explore Wolverine's full and extremely intricate history check out the recently uploaded Wolverine Spotlight on Uncannyxmen.net which offers just about everything you would need to know. It addresses just about every other issue fans tend to get wrong regarding Wolverine's past that we don't have the space to commit to. Before we end the post we must address one last thing - regarding Wolverine's supposed immortality it is true that it was once established that when Wolverine dies "for real" he would fight the angel of death for the gift of resurrection. However, that pact has since been nullified and also that plot was incredibly stupid and should be retconned for the benefit of every X-Men fan too intelligent enough to believe such crap.