10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Thor

8. He's Always A Cheerful Character

Mighty Thor
Marvel Comics

A misconception that has arisen perhaps more out of the Thor film series than anything is that Thor is a continually cheery character. Indeed, when compared to the rest of the often brooding Avengers, it's easy to see how Thor looks downright merry in comparison.

But Thor has his fair share of dark moments in Marvel's lore. Between being continually betrayed by those closest to him, continually having his powers taken and having to prove himself, or just the simple fact that everyone around him has a habit of dying brutally - it's safe to say Thor isn't always bright and breezy.

It's easy to presume Thor is considered cheerful because he is always happy, but it's in reality kind of the opposite. Thor has some genuinely heartbreaking things happen to him, but is strong enough as a person to still find joy in things - which is way more inspiring than you'd expect from a guy who hits people with a hammer for a job.


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