Wolverine is a tricksy character. For years he has been firmly ensconced at the top of the food chain for many fanboys, the absolute pinnacle of badass superhero characters, a mutant member of the X-Men who could never be bettered. With a slew of iconic costumes, catchphrases, a unique and strange set of powers and a frankly totally mangled history that lends him an air of respect, mystery and angst, Wolverine is the complete package. He is the perfect comic book character. So how come so many people manage to get so many things wrong about him? His journey to the top hasn't been easy. The character has been around for nearly forty years at this point, appeared in countless comic books, TV shows, video games and movies. Hugh Jackman brought Wolverine into the public consciousness like never before, to the point that people who had never picked up a funnybook in their life were swooning over the grumpy Canuck (and rightly so). And with that greater popularity gave more chance for misconceptions to spread, for half-truths and flat out lives about Wolverine to be perpetuated. His history isn't what it used to be. The hair has almost as convoluted a back story as the man who wears it. And for the last time, the claws do not come out of the back of those little blue gloves. Here are the ten things everyone always gets wrong about Wolverine.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/