10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Wolverine

8. His Importance To The X-Men

From watching 20th Century Fox's incredibly successful film franchise, you'd think that Wolverine was the most important member of the X-Men, and that he had been forever and ever. In fact the character wasn't even a part of the team for the first decade or so of their existence, during which time they were lead by Cyclops, backed up by Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel and Beast. Not a Logan in sight. He also very nearly got dropped from the team during his first year as a member, since editors didn't think he was interesting or popular enough. He was only saved cos John Byrne liked that there was finally a Canadian superhero. Similarly, Wolverine is absent for many of the classic comic book storylines that have been adapted for the X-Men films. He headlines the movie of Days Of Future Past, whileas in the comics he gets disintegrated by a Sentinel pretty early on, leaving Kitty Pryde to jump back in time and sort things out. In fact the character didn't really come into his own until the eighties miniseries which formed the basis for recent film The Wolverine, and you know why he worked so well then? Because he was on his own. Logan is a moody loner. Part of his character arc is getting used to playing nice with others, but he's definitely not as front-and-centre in the X-Men as people think.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/