10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Wolverine
7. He's A Team Player
Similarly, Logan's appearance on every superhero team in the Marvel Universe is stretching credulity a little. That's not only something that readers get wrong about Wolverine, but the people making the comics too. For a while the character's constant appearances in books other than the X-titles became a running joke, as he served on numerous X-teams, a few Avengers squads, had his own solo adventures, and frequently made cameo appearances for single issue stories in even more comics. How did he find the time? That's not one of his other superpowers, is it? The other problem with that ubiquity is that it doesn't ring true with how Wolverine is. He's a guy that's openly antagonistic when it comes to working with others, who really thrives when he's off on solo adventures in his own title or whatever. There's a lot of drama and tension to be wrought from having him be forced to cooperate with a larger group, sure, but it just isn't right for him to be a part of so many groups. The X-Men, sure, he's a mutant and he bands together with his own kind for survival. How did he end up on the New Avengers with Spider-Man and Luke Cage, though?
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/