10 Things Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Wolverine

3. Where The Claws Come From

They look like they spring out from the top of his gloves, yet when Hugh Jackman pops his claws in the movies they're protruding straight from his knuckles. What gives? Where exactly do Wolverine's claws come from? That was another point of contention from co-creator Len Wein who, when he introduced the character as an adversary in an issue of The Incredible Hulk, just went with the engaging visual of the claws and didn't give it much more thought. A lot like the haircut, it's something that went unexplored for years, with nobody quite sure where exactly those pig stickers came from. In fact, in those early appearances, his claws were never retracted. It was veteran Marvel artist John Romita Sr who suggested such a thing, since "If a man has claws like that, how does he scratch his nose or tie his shoelaces?" Originally Wein intended the claws to be retractable but just into the gloves, which would also be made of adamanitum. It wasn't until later than the claws were made to be part of Wolverine's skeleton, and made of bone, and they absolutely do pop out of the top of his hand instead of between his knuckles. Although looking at x-rays, neither of those make anatomical sense. Go figure.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/