10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Joker

5. Thinking He's Been A Mainstay In DC Comics Since His First Appearance

DC Comics

Given that Joker first appeared 75 years ago and is very much still around now, it's easy to assume that he must have been a prevalent figure in DC comic books for that whole time - but that's not actually the case at all. It'€™s hard to imagine the character disappearing for so long now, but he actually disappeared in 1964 and didn't appear in any comics again until 1973.

He made his return when Dennis O'€™Neil and Neal Adams (a comic book writer and artist respectively) proposed that he undergo a radical reinvention for an appearance in the story €œThe Joker'€™s Five Way Revenge€ in which, after years of having been nerfed prior to his disappearance, he reverted to being a homicidal maniac who casually murdered people without thinking twice about it (essentially bringing the character to how he is today).

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.