10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About The Joker

4. Thinking He's Limited To DC Comics & Movies


The Joker is a true DC icon and therefore you'd be forgiven for thinking that his appearances have strictly been within the bounds of DC's properties, but he's actually spread his psychotic wings and appeared in media produced by other companies as well.

For starters, he has appeared in comic books that were jointly published by both DC and Marvel. Take for example 1995's Spider-Man and Batman - he appeared alongside Spider-Man villain Carnage as the duo teamed up against their common heroic foes. He has also appeared in comic books that were jointly published by both DC and 2000 AD. In Batman/Judge Dredd, he worked alongside the Dark Judges - as their "manager" of sorts - against the two titular characters.

More bizarrely, he has also appeared in the Hanna Barbera Scooby Doo cartoons! The Joker worked alongside the Penguin against the Scooby Gang and Batman and Robin back in 1972's The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair.

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.