10 Things That Will Never Happen In The DC Cinematic Universe

2. More Obscure Characters Get Their Due

Stated as part of our 10 Things We Expect to Happen in the DC Cinematic Universe, a box-office risk will come later in the game (after the Justice League gets an overdue team-up) and give DC a chance to highlight some more obscure characters. Marvel is at that point now, with Guardians of the Galaxy coming out mid-summer, and while the property itself is "risky" you can bet Guardians will make a killing as a summer blockbuster due to the groundwork Marvel has laid before it. But there are so many worthwhile characters under the Marvel and DC umbrellas, and many of these will never get feature film treatment. Regardless of how saturated the market becomes with superhero films, studios are always going to fall back on the big names and the big characters. Audiences, too, while hopefully being appreciative of some lesser-known characters, will have become comfortable seeing characters they immediately recognize. Do Deadman and Spectre deserve solo films? Absolutely. Will they get them? Probably not. If anything, DC will start by lumping more obscure characters into a team-up film (like Marvel is doing with Guardians) before letting any of them loose within the franchise. Characters like Doctor Fate have less of a chance, unfortunately - Fate spends 95% of his time under a golden helmet that entirely covers his face, and that kind of thing just isn't as bankable as Ben Affleck's mug. It will be interesting to see DC and Warner Brothers reach the point Marvel and Disney are currently enjoying, when they can afford to take a little risk. Don't hold out hope for anything more than a bit part for the second-stringers, though, at least not for a long time.

Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.