10 Things You Didn't Know About Apocalypse

4. The Horsemen Aren't The Only Team He Leads

Apocalypse is well known for his Four Horsemen teams (also known as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse), which generally consist of four individuals (usually, but not always, mutants) that he has personally genetically altered and brainwashed to serve him, whether they did so willingly or because he forced them to do so. Apocalypse enhances their existing powers and or endows them with new abilities and they're always given the same titles based upon the biblical Four Horsemen (Death, Famine, Pestilence - replacing the biblical Conquest - and War). He has used characters like Hulk, Wolverine, Angel and Gambit in these roles before and the team will always be his elite minions. However, he does have other teams to do his bidding - namely the Dark Riders AKA the Riders of the Storm AKA the Riders of the Dark and the Clan Akkaba. The Dark Riders are composed of mutants and Inhumans who are devoted to the "survival of the fittest" philosophy championed by Apocalypse and the Clan Akkaba are descendants of Apocalypse himself.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.