10 Things You Didn't Know About Batman

3. Bruce Wayne Is Worth $10.4 Billion

Ever wonder how much it would really cost to become Batman? Well, a few kind souls have done the maths for you. A group of students at Lehigh University leave the serious business of economics to smarter minds, choosing instead to apply their expertise to finding answers to burning questions like €˜How many zombies would it take to defeat the Nazis?€™ and publishing the results on their blog Centives. They have taken a particular interest in the Batman, calculating the average cost of Batmobiles over the years (about $215,000) and attempting to determine how much Bruce Wayne is actually worth and how much of that cash goes into his €˜hobby€™. After taking into account expenses like martial arts instructors, private jets, gadgets and Alfred€™s wages, they estimated that becoming Batman would cost about $2.8 million €“ a far cry from the MoneySuperMarket€™s sums estimating that it would cost a whopping $682 million. As for Bruce Wayne€™s net worth, they calculated that Wayne Enterprises has a net income of almost $1.5 billion and Bruce himself would be worth $11.6 billion €“ a step up from famed American business magazine Forbes€™ most recent estimate of a $9.2 billion personal fortune. Going down the middle of the two best estimates available, Bruce Wayne is worth at least $10 billion, and although this only amounts to approximately a third of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's assets, everyone is fairly certain the Prince of Gotham would take him in a fight.
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I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.