10 Things You Didn't Know About Lex Luthor

3. He Can Make Time Machines Out Of Garbage

Back in the Silver Age (when, in all honesty, most DC comic book characters' feats were vastly above what they're capable of now - even when it came to feats of intelligence), Lex Luthor created a temporal coil out of nothing more than scrap while he was incarcerated in a Metropolis jail cell. Using tungsten from a light bulb, a coil spring, a flashlight, some citric acid and a cardboard tube, he was able to make the device in order to use it to trap Superman. On another occasion, using a clock, some paper clips, some copper wire and two aspirin, he built a solar-powered time ray. He then used it to pull the demigod Hercules out of time to help him bust out of jail - although Hercules soon realised that Luthor was a villain and stopped helping him.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.