10 Things You Didn't Know About Magneto

8. He Killed Everyone

Magneto X-Men Apocalypse Trailer caps
20th Century Fox

Magneto well and truly lost the plot in Ultimatum, which was meant to be the conclusion of the Ultimate comic book line. Having got his hands on Thor's hammer, Magneto was able to amplify his powers so that they spread across the entire planet. In the space of a few short panels, Magneto was able to cause global devastation, killing millions of people including half the cast of the Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men books.

He followed this up with an army of mind controlled Jamie Madrox duplicates which he used as suicide bombers to destroy the Academy of Tomorrow and the European Defense League, although the surviving Ultimates are able to stop the destruction of the Triskelon. The surviving Ultimates and X-Men traveled to Magneto's floating home and, in a battle that killed several characters, Magneto learned that mutants were created accidentally by some scientific experiments rather than natural evolution.

Despite pleading for mercy, the defeated Magneto was executed by an optic blast from Cyclops. The world-wide devastation results in the passing of global anti-mutant laws, and Cyclops gets shot in the head by Quicksilver. In case you were wondering, yes, Ultimate Magneto was pretty much bat crap crazy from start to finish.

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X-Men Magneto
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With a (nearly) useless degree in English literature and a personal trainer qualification he's never used, Freddie spends his times writing things that he hopes will somehow pay the rent. He's also a former professional singer, and plays the saxophone and ukulele. He's not really used to talking about himself in the third person, and would like to stop now, thanks.