10 Things You Didn't Know About Red Skull

4. His Daughter Became The New Red Skull

Red Skull Powers
Marvel Comics

Being the progeny of Captain America must put a lot of pressure on a kid, to be fair, but it could be worse. Imagine being the daughter of the Red Skull. That was the unfortunate fate of Sinthea Schmidt, whom Johann fathered with a washerwoman because he wanted an heir. The mother died in childbirth, and he almost killed the kid because she was a girl.

Instead, the Red Skull thought that maybe sexism should not be amongst his many deplorable traits, and set about training Sinthea to become just as nefarious as him. Apparently tired of waiting for an evil sidekick, after a while he just went ahead and stuck Sinthea – who took the villainous name of Sin – in a machine which aged her into an adult.

She bounced between alter egos and ages for a while, before finally getting the Red Skull moniker herself in the Captain America: Reborn miniseries, where the machine she was trying to use to put her dead father's mind into Cap's body exploded, giving her the familiar hideously scarred visage. Recently, she fell down a hole and died. Oh well.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/