10 Things You Didn't Know About Spider-Gwen

7. She Can Travel Through The Multiverse

Spider Gwen
Marvel Comics

Spider-Men and Spider-Women could travel through the multiverse on multiple occasions, primarily during the Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon storylines. This was often a one-and-done deal that never had further usage. However, Spider-Gwen is different.

Gwen has made the casual habit of traveling the multiverse through her travels. She’s been to the 616 universe and a wide variety of other locations during her adventures, where she’s met characters like the main universe Spider-Man and Jessica Drew.

She's even made her way back to the original Brooklyn Bridge that killed Gwen Stacy. In a touching scene, she wonders what it would have been like to have been that Gwen. What it would be like to have an everyday life. Even if it meant meeting your fate at the hands of the Green Goblin. It's a very well-written scene that further expands on her character and the multiverse aspect of her story.

It doesn't stop ther,e as the Gwen multiverse will be expanded upon in the upcoming Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse miniseries, where various alternate universe Gwens will make their appearance - including Captain America Gwen, Wolverine Gwen, and Thor Gwen.

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