10 Things You Need To Know About The Future Of DC Comics

9. Doomsday Is A Superhero Now (Kind Of)

Anyway, there's enough happening in the current-day €“ or near-future, since the book isn't out yet €“ with the state of superheroes in the DC Universe, since it seems they're actually going out of their way to introduce a new generation of superheroes for the first time in ages. One such upcoming addition to the forces of good is better known as the ultimate evil. The star of Doomed is a kid called Roman who got blessed/cursed €“ depending on how you look at it €“ with a Doomsday-derived alien spore, causing him to turn into a friendlier version of the scaly monster on occasion. Basically, it's Doomsday-as-The-Hulk, with poor Roman struggling to convince the do-gooders of Metropolis that he's a hero. The reason they're sceptical? Doomsday was the genetically-created alien killing machine who put the €œDeath€ in €œDeath Of Superman€. Now he's safely been dealt with once again in the recent €œDoomed€ crossover in the Man Of Steel's titles, but the fact that this new Doomsday-derivative has to protect Metropolis begs the question...what's Superman up to?
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DC Comics
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/