10 Times Batman Proved He Was No Hero

5. He Recruits Children To Fight Supervillains

Batman Red Sky
DC Comics/Jim Lee

How many Robins have to die before Bruce realizes it's a bad idea to send children and teenagers to fight crime bosses and super villains?

We've seen the deaths of Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson was recently shot in the head, and now Batman has Damian fighting Deathstroke before he's even lost his baby teeth!

The most reprehensible depiction of this tendency to use child soldiers against Gotham's organized crime syndicates is probably All Star Batman and Robin, in which Bruce tells a terrified young Dick Grayson that he's just been drafted into a war...but let's be real; it's never a good idea to encourage children to fight gangs and criminal masterminds.


Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.