10 Times Batman Proved He Was No Hero

6. He Had An Affair With Batgirl

Batman Red Sky
Warner Bros.

If it wasn't bad enough that the animated universe's version of Batman got Batgirl pregnant while she was dating Nightwing - a betrayal that permanently tore the Bat Family apart - DC doubled down on this particularly cringeworthy dynamic in the more recent Killing Joke animated movie.

This time around, Barbara wasn't dating Dick at the time, but it's still a pretty uncomfortable pairing between what essentially amounts to an employer and employee, or at least mentor and protégé, and it's extra creepy when you take into account the fact that Batman tends to view his sidekicks as his children.

Of course, Bruce never adopted Barbara, and she has a good relationship with her actual father, but there's no denying the somewhat paternal teacher-student sort of relationship between Bruce and Babs, so seeing them hook up like this is unsettling at best.


Michael Cross hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.