10 Times Batman Was The Villain

6. Every Time He Hit A Child - Various

Batman Grim Knight
DC Comics

Another act that most will probably agree is morally wrong is hitting children, especially in the case of recently traumatised children that have just been adopted.

Again though, Batman doesn't seem to have been taught this lesson, as his disciplining of his kids tends to involve a fair few punches and slaps. Everyone has seen that famous image of a Golden Age Batman slapping Dick Grayson across the face, but - unfortunately for the Robins - this rather disturbing habit has continued into the modern age, it occurring as recently as Tom King's stint on the character.

In the same issue that the infamous panel of him hitting Robin comes from, Batman also erases the Boy Wonder's memories and returns him to the orphanage he adopted him from. Nice one, Bruce.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!