10 Times Batman Was The Villain

5. Turning Jason Todd Into Dick Grayson - Batman And Robin #5

Batman Grim Knight
DC Comics

While not villainous in the traditional sense, such an act definitely falls under the 'manipulative/kind of abusive' category.

The pre-Crisis Jason Todd was introduced as practically a clone of Dick Grayson. He was an acrobat whose family were killed, he wore the same costume, he acted the same - it was pretty strange... but so was most of the stuff happening in comics at that time, and it wasn't long before Jason was reinvented in the wake of Crisis on Infinite Earths as an angsty street kid with a real mean streak.

However, long after Jason's reinvention and but a few years after his return as Red Hood, writer Grant Morrison introduced a retcon that paints the Dark Knight in a far more abusive light. Jason is famously red-haired these days, but he used to have black hair. Turns out it was Batman who forced him to dye it that colour so that he better resembled the original Robin, Dick Grayson, with Jason paying for the stylistic change with a thinning head of hair.

Talk about messed up...


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!