10 Times Batman Went Too Far

8. Abused Silver St. Cloud - Batman: The Widening Gyre

Batman slaps Robin
DC Comics

There's a lot that we can unpack about Kevin Smith's Batman: The Widening Gyre (not the least of which being the scene where Bats admitted to wetting his pants), but the plot point from this story that's less weird and more flat out infuriating was how he treated Silver St. Cloud.

Batman is known for a lot of things, one of which being his tendency to sabotage his life and relationships. Whether because he has to choose being a good person over being a HAPPY person, or for deeper, more psychological reasons as shown in Tom King's run, Bruce is rarely happy for long. And this is definitely an example of the latter.

The story centres around Silver St. Cloud coming back into his life, and things actually working out for a change. But of course, Bruce has been in situations like this before and after, and there's ALWAYS a catch to his happiness. But instead of just keeping his eye on his new bride-to-be and checking for any cues or signs that something is amiss (you know, like a DETECTIVE), his paranoia pushes him to be outright physically abusive towards Silver.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?