10 Times Batman Went Too Far

5. Trapping And Starving KGBeast - Batman #420

Batman slaps Robin
DC Comics

Before you ask, yes, I tried to find an event from different incarnations of Batman #69 that I could use to complete this joke. I failed, and that makes me sad. But anyway, let's talk about the time Batman let a man starve to death!

Those of you who grew up with the Justice League cartoon probably recognize KGBeast as a background villain who never even spoke, but that's really selling this guy short. A Russian assassin sent to America to murder a list of targets (including President Reagan), KGBeast outclassed Batman at pretty much every turn, treating one of the world's greatest heroes like a bad joke. Even when Batman seemed to have him trapped for sure, the guy just sliced off his own hand to escape, replacing it with his trademark prosthetic machine gun.

Realizing that there really was no way to beat him, Batman instead lured him into the sewers and locked him in a room with no other exits, leaving him there to starve to death.

Sure Marv Wolfman would retcon this the second he took over the title, saying that Batman went back for him later only to find that he had escaped. But reading the comic, it's clear that that was NOT Batman's original intent.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?