10 Times Batman Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

9. Talon In The Caverns Under Gotham

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo€™s run on Batman will surely go down as one of the best in the character€™s history. After 75 years, they€™re one of the few creative teams who actually dare to innovate, to introduce new concepts and characters to the series and not just riff on existing enemies, not content with simply skating by on past glories. Right out of the gates, they changed the whole game by revealing the existence of the Court Of Owls: a sort of underground shadow government which had been running things in Gotham City for time immemorial, unbeknownst to Batman. Given he€™s supposed to know everything about his city, he didn€™t like that. Trouble is, he couldn€™t exactly stop them, what with their army of immortal, undying Talon assassins. Throughout those first two story arcs - Court and City Of Owls - Batman manages to fight one Talon bare handed to a stand still, and then a bunch of others with a big robot suit on. Again, he€™s just a man. These are immortal beings. How did he win?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/