Grant Morrisons run on the Justice League of America was one of the best in DC history, but it wasnt without its problems. Much like his later work on Batman in his solo titles, Morrison is one of the writers guilty of turning him into the hyper-prepared, totally-unbeatable superbeing who, even lacking in real powers, cannot ever be defeated. Because hes smart, innit. Morrison first played with that idea during an early JLA storyline which saw a team of villainous White Martians arriving on Earth under the guise of being a group of new superheroes, whilst they quietly dispatch all of the existing heroes and preparing to invade and destroy the planet. Batman is the first they get rid of...or so they thought. After taking down Superman, Wonder Woman and co, the last thing they expected was Batman to return and scupper their whole plan. But hes just a man! one of them whines as their best laid plans crumble beneath the Dark Knights barrages. Yep, just a man. Who shouldve been dead, but for a plot device.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at