10 Times Batman Won A Fight He Should Have Lost

7. Versus The Mutant Leader In The Dark Knight Returns

Looking back, The Dark Knight Returns actually pointed towards Frank Miller€™s fascistic tendencies long before the likes of Holy Terror! and his now-infamous blog on the Occupy movement made them explicit. This is, after all, a story where a young group of anti-establishment teens are beaten down by an old rich man. Regardless of the politics involved, the elderly Batman€™s triumph over the leader of the €œmutant€ gang is total BS. In fact, The Dark Knight Returns shows how the fight should€™ve ended, with the first confrontation between the two: the elderly Bruce Wayne gets his ass handed to him by the huge, stacked Mutant Leader. Even his newly-designed Bat-Tank can€™t take this one muscly, pale guy down, being almost torn apart with his bare hands. Batman€™s the guy whose whole power set is his gadgets and fighting prowess and, really, neither of those improve much between their two match-ups. He only won the second time so the plot could move forward.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/