10 Times Daredevil Was Forced To Kill

8. Threw The Masked Marauder Through His Own Force Field

That's not to suggest that Daredevil only got stabby in the later years of his career, however. No siree. Matt Murdock was already well acquainted with the blood all over his hands, even if he couldn't see it, way back in the sixties. A lot goes on in 1967's Daredevil #27, including a confrontation with Stilt-Man and a Spider-Man team-up. The stand-out of the events in €œMike Murdock Must Die!€, however, is when Daredevil accidentally just kills the Masked Marauder. Inexplicably becoming a recurring villain later on when this death was retconned, it was revealed eventually that the Marauder was the landlord of Murdock and Nelson's building for some reason. Before then, however, he was simply another supervillain threatening a hero's girlfriend (Karen Page, in this case). Daredevil fought tooth and nail to retrieve her safe and sound, accidentally tossing the Masked Marauder into a forcefield he created, incinerating him instantly. Later they went back and claimed it was a teleporter, not a forcefield, but still.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/