10 Times DC Went Too Far

7. Alexandra DeWitt Gets Fridged - Green Lantern #54

Lian Harper Death
DC Comics

A moment so heinous that it's still being referenced today, the death of Kyle Rayner's girlfriend Alexandra is one of the most infamous acts of brutality in DC canon.

After the deaths of the other Green Lanterns at the hands of a psychotic Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner is recruited as the one and only remaining Green Lantern. This soft reboot of the franchise left a lot of fans irrationally angry in a way that I don't have the patience to get into today. But the series would get flak from a completely different front when Major Force brutally murdered Kyle's girlfriend and stuffed her body in a refrigerator for pure shock value, and to just give motivation to Kyle.

This vexed writer and all around awesome person Gail Simone so badly, that she coined the phrase "women in refrigerators" and listed every single time a woman was violated, harmed, murdered or de-powered just to give a man motivation in either Marvel or DC's comics.

The death of Alex was just so pointless besides giving Kyle something to be sad about. And to this day, the writers of that issue have not heard the end of it, thanks to the trope being immortalized by the shorthand "fridging".


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?