10 Times DC Went Too Far

6. Lian Harper's Death - Cry For Justice

Lian Harper Death
DC Comics

If there is anything that DC and Marvel have in common, one similarity is that they choose the stupidest stuff to stay permanent. Every poignant death is reversed due to popularity, no loss is ever truly permanent, and whenever the world changes drastically, it will always shift back into place.

Unless your name is Roy Harper. Then you are the DC universe's punching bag and are never allowed nice things.

It was hard to pick just one of the many injustices heaped upon poor Roy Harper throughout DC history, but the worst offense of all was the casual murder of his daughter Lian.

Those who were fans of the Titans in the nineties know Lian as the most adorable little girl on the face of the planet. Those who became fans in the 2000s know her as the kid who was killed in a single panel during an abysmal event comic called Cry For Justice. And it isn't just the death that irked fans so badly, it was just how casual they were about killing her. You get one little panel of the heroes reacting to the death, then it is never brought up or acknowledged again in the comic.

It was nothing short of shock tactics done poorly, and the fact that it took DC nearly a decade to realize that this wasn't a hill worth dying on is frankly atrocious.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?